A deserted island, once inhabited by two-legged, hairless creatures. Wiped out, or left of their own accord, who knows, who cares. That lands now belong to the wild, the free, the beautiful horses. Rulers of the earth, owners of the island, kings and queens of the animals kingdom. But all is not as it seems. From the outside, looking in, Riptide Isle seems to be a peaceful, quiet place. It is not so.
There is pillaging. There is destruction. There is rape and slavery. Each and every horse does his own thing, without fear of repercussion. It can't go on forever. There's no way it could go on forever.
Two sons, born to a mighty and fair king, split the lands in two. One gave into the dark in his heart, and chose the path harder traveled to serve the demons within. The other let the light shine through, and serves the angels inside. The other things they share are a birthed day, and the desire to further their lines.
Which side will you join? The darks, fighting under their lord HERE - or the lights, serving their highess HERE. Or will you remain neutral in the Civil War of the ages?
YEAR :: one
SEASONS :: Spring